solo parenting

The first time I encountered a solo parent in my family, I was just a child. It was my aunt, who had recently lost her husband and was left to raise her two twins on her own while dealing with the bereavement.

I remember the crisp autumn air as I watched her at work as a waiter during the day and as a salesperson at night. She used to take kids to her job. She managed household chores, and parenting with a grace that seemed almost superhuman and the iron lady.

Her concern for her children, unwavering dedication, steadfastness, resoluteness, and commitment left a profound impact on me. Her journey taught me the true meaning of perseverance and the significance of community support. This experience motivated me to help others navigate the complexities of solo parenting.

I come across children raised by solo parents more often and I like to have a word with them, give my arm and a leg to counsel them.

The increase in the number of such people highlights the evolving family dynamics in society, prompting discussions about the unique challenges and strengths these children may experience compared to their peers. They are more vulnerable and prone to mental health disorders and illnesses.

The result of research done for 2023 for the U.S about the children being raised in a solo-parent household gives us this outcome :

CategoryNumber Of Children (In millions)Percentage of Total
Children with single Mothers15.0983%
Children with single Fathers3.0517%

About 23% of children in the U.S. below the age of 18 spend their lives with only one parent, which is over three times the global rate of 7%. During the year 2022, it was discovered that solo women contribute around 80% of all solo-parent homes in the United States.

What is a Solo Parent?

Solo Parent

A solo parent is the only earner and the breadwinner for the household. He/She has the responsibility of fulfilling all of the financial, emotional, and nutritional needs of the child/children.

He / She is also involved in providing the child with the best of the resources and fulfilling essential needs such as quality education, apparel and a good environment.

What does Solo Parenting mean?

Parenting by a single parent is termed as Solo Parenting. In addition to this, Solo Parenting is the process in which only one parent nurtures the child or children.

Solo Parent vs Single Parent:

Solo Parent vs Single Parent

The contrast between single and solo parenting can be given in the following manners

DifferenceSingle ParentingSolo Parenting
DefinitionSingle parents may receive emotional and financial as well as supervision and care of the child by other parents.They are independent.
Other kinds of supportOther parents may provide assistance to them with finances.They are supposed to fulfill all of their responsibilities single-handedly such as decision-making, career counseling etcetera.
Involvement of Other ParentIf a single parent is raising a child, the other parent may visit and share parenthood.The other parent is either absent or has terminated the parental rights.
Assistance with financesSingle Parents might have shared custody or co-parenting obligations.The sole parent is liable for all of the child’s expenses. Although they can receive state assistance or other aid such as Sole Parent Support.
NoteSingle parents may receive emotional and financial as well as supervision and care of the child by other parent.Single parents may receive emotional and financial as well as supervision and care of the child by other parents.

Role of Solo Parent: Cause of Stress

The single parents are supposed to become an inspiration to their children and to be capable enough to foster confidence in their children.

They often feel the pressure as they try to fill in the void created by the absence of the co-parent of their children. In this attempt, they overburden themselves.

Being a Single Parent is Hard Psychologically and Financially:

Hardships Faced by Parents and Children in a Single-Parent House

Complications of Solo-Mothers:

The solo parent toils hard every single day to let the ends meet. Economic conditions in the solo-mother houses are not so stable.

Their average earnings are 35.6% lower compared to the men’s income. Such women often struggle in their personal as well as professional life to create an equilibrium between their work life and maternal life.

Struggle of Solo-Fathers:

Solo fathers sometimes feel that the upbringing of their children is inadequate and insufficient. Solo parents often question the meaning of life as they spend their maximum time at work. Single parents also face societal pressure due to which they fail to lead a happy and contented life.

The expectations of the outside world as well as family and the constant urge to not let others down become the cause of deprivation of self-care.

Such parents choose to spend the rest of their lives serving others rather than paying attention to their own selves. Such self-inflicted people then get involved in drug abuse as they find escape in it.

They do not stay in touch with other people and lack emotional support. They yearn to attain leisure.

Struggles for Children:

If a woman works overtime, she even indeliberately overlooks their children and this sense of oblivion can have a bad influence and effects on children at times. This stress triggers anxiety, severe health problems and even depression in the children.

They often stay in front of their screens and watch adult content, drug addiction, inferiority complex, encountering clinical and existential depression, low morale and confidence and poor academic performance.

Eradication of all these Challenges:

Such children should be given proper guidance counseling to alleviate these kinds of concerns, building trust and open communication with children is crucial for solo parents to create a supportive environment where everyone feels heard and valued, practice gratitude affirmations, figure out the purpose of life, monitoring the kind of content that children consume and filtering it, making gratitude journal, gleaning every day, making gratitude jar, indulging into meditation, exercising regularly (such as yoga) at least 3 days a week and opting for digital detox at least 24 hours a week!

Every person faces a dilemma but only the valiant and valorous ones change the way they see their affliction. They consider it a challenge rather than thinking of it as suffering changes the whole situation and perspective.

Power Of Mindset:

Power Of Mindset

There are many celebrities who have been raised in a single-parent household and their mindset was completely different than those who fall prey to many mental health problems and decide to keep facing them for the rest of their lives.

Those renowned personalities are:

  • President Barack Obama
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Selena Gomez
  • Kanye West
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Tom Hanks
  • Leonardo DiCaprio


The path to success and happiness is paved by passing through tribulations. During this voyage, the challenges become a beacon of resilience!

About the Author: Sanah

Sanah is a veracious and enthusiastic writer with a strong background in medicine. She combines her medical expertise with a passion for storytelling, bringing a unique perspective to her writing.

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