Mindful Browsing

A place where we encourage individuals to apply mindful practices in their day-to-day lives. We aim to raise awareness about the value and benefit that comes from mindfulness in our daily living. We also promote self-compassion and respect that allows each individual to thrive. By cultivating mindfulness and being present in the world around us, we can foster a deeper appreciation for life’s beauty and cultivate a sense of gratitude.

Immerse yourself in a collection of curated articles, blogs, and resources that will inform, inspire, and support your personal growth journey. This platform is committed to fostering an inclusive, multicultural community that is rooted in mindful practices, wellness, meaningful connections, empathy and self-compassion. From articles to thought-provoking quotes, we aim to inspire to live more mindfully and uplift with every visit.

Embark on your mindful browsing journey today!


Our specialists are at the heart of Mindful Browsing.

Tania Hansraj

Tania Hansraj


I am a certified self love and relationship coach who is passionate about empowering single women to fix their dating “pickers”, heal past relationship patterns and call in their dream partners, all while building deep self-love and confidence.



Ana Is an Internet Entrepreneur. She loves to give adequate time to her passion which is writing. She holds a PHD In English literature.